773 Area Code: Finding and Setting Up the Local Number of Chicago, IL 

August 23, 2024

The 773 area code number comprises 23 cities and two counties to serve local residents. Chicago, Illinois, beyond the downtown District and the majority of the inner regions, is served by area code 773.

The 773 area code number is used to build connections between local people around the population of 6,208,418. The 773 area code number helps to build a company smoothly and maintain the growth of the enterprise with good communication.

Location and History Behind the 773 Area Code

The 773 area code is situated within 23 cities and two counties, excluding downtown. It is located in Northern America, in Illinois state, USA. The major city of the 773 area code is Chicago.

In the 1990s, the population of Chicago, Illinois, was rapidly growing, and the demand for phone numbers was increasing. Due to constant demand and exhaustion, 312 area codes were split to overcome the burden. Until January 11, 1997, the 312 area code was serving Chicago, but after that, the 773 area code was introduced and put in service on October 12, 1996.


Chart of the Time Zone

The 773 area code is situated in the Central Time Zone. The table below illustrates the complete information of the area code 773:

Central Standard TimeDaylight Saving Time
UTC/GMT=-6:00 hrs+1hr
During winterDuring summer
Start: Jan to end of MarchStart: Sunday, March 10 at 2:00
Start: Nov to end of DecEnd: Sunday, November 3 at 2:00

Surrounding Area Codes

There are numerous nearby area codes of the 773. They are listed below with their location:

Area codesLocation(main)
219 Hammond, Indiana
331/630Northeastern Illinois
312/872 Downtown Chicago 
464/708 Southern and western Chicago, Illinois
224/847 Northeastern Illinois and many Northern Chicago

Suburbs of the 773 Area Codes

The 773 area code borders many cities and towns. The code serves Chicago, Des Plaines, Cicero, Evanston, Arlington Heights, Oak Park, and other areas.

Some of the suburbs with their population are listed in table:

Arlington Heights77,676
Des Plaines60,675
Oak park54,583
Park Ridge39,656
Oak Brook8,163
Summit Argo0

Working Mechanism of Area Code 773

The area code 773 is assigned to the phone number connected to Chicago, Illinois. When calling any number with a 773, the phone system routes the call to a specific geographical area as necessary. Here, the number appears as +1(773) X, +1, which is the country’s code, whereas 773 is the area code, and 7-digit x is the line number associated with the caller. 

Also, there is no availability of +1; thus, you have to dial 001 when using a landline phone. Likewise, one can use both +1 and 001 when contacting someone from your mobile phone.

Procedures for Obtaining the 773 Area Code Number

A few steps will help to obtain a 773 area code number and display a local presence for you and your business. To provide your business with fame and be in the market to compete with entities, follow these processes to know how one should know about while getting a 773 area code number:

  1. Analyze a 773 local telephone service supplier who can provide you with various services such as call forwarding, video conference calls, IVR, and voicemails.
  2. Register your account and activate your service with the 773 area code number after submitting the necessary documents.
  3. Finally, purchase the VoIP service and complete the setup.

Commercial Advantage of the 773 Area Code Number

There are numerous benefits of using the 773  area code. Some of them are listed below:

Local Identity: 

With access to the 773 area code, you can be recognized as a local business, and residents will establish trust, which will help your enterprise grow further.

Advertisement Advantage: 

Owning a 773 area code number will make your company known widely with a vision to maintain fame and gain valuable and trustworthy clients. Marketing your business will help you get more consumers to invest in you.


Getting the 773 area code number will help people reach you more conveniently and quickly, enhancing your business’s status locally.

Economic Growth:

The 773 area code enhances various international and local established businesses, which will also help customers from neighboring suburbs learn about your company and finance your enterprise, gradually increasing the economic sector.

Final Thoughts

Concluding all the concepts of the 773 area code above, it is very beneficial to have the 773 area code for your business and personally. It will help you connect with local people. The 773 area code serves a wide range of surrounding area codes, cities, and counties.

The 773 area code should also be obtained accordingly to enhance your local presence in Chicago, Illinois. To sum up, the points mentioned earlier, the 773 area code will access your enterprise and gain trust and faith among all locals as well as residents of the neighboring areas.


Where is the 773 area code located in the time zone?

The 773 area code is in the central time zone.

Is 773 a toll-free area code?

No, the 773 area code is not considered as toll-free. It is the area code number for Chicago, Illinois.

Is 773 a valid area code?

Yes, the 773 is a valid area code as it serves Chicago, Illinois.

What came first, 773 or 312?

312 area code was discovered and served earlier than 773 as 773 was overlaid after the 312 area code got exhausted.