223 Area Code: Get a Local Phone Number for Lancaster, PA 

August 20, 2024


The area code 223 was introduced on September 26, 2017. It was the overlay of the 717 area code. It covers the major city like Lancaster in the south-central part. Instead of changing existing numbers, the overlay allowed for adding new numbers while maintaining the 717 area code. This ensured a continued supply of phone numbers without altering geographic boundaries or disrupting existing customers.

Where Is the 223 Area Code?

Area code 223 is located in Pennsylvania, US (United States). It falls in the Eastern  Timezone, which is 5 hours behind during Standard Time and 4 hours behind during Daylight Saving Time. It covers the south-central part of Pennsylvania, including major cities such as York and Lancaster. 223 area code also covers the 13 counties, which include Franklin, Dauphin, Adams, Berks, Mifflin, etc. The 223 area code covers the same geographic area as the 717 area code, which includes cities such as Harrisburg, Lancaster, York, and Carlisle in south-central Pennsylvania. Here is a list of counties and cities and their  population:-

Counties Population (Approx.)
Lancaster, PA519,445
Dauphin, PA268,100
Franklin, PA149,618
Adams, PA101,407
Berks, PA411,442
Fulton, PA14,845
Cities Population (Approx.)
Harrisburg, PA49,528
York, PA43,718
Lebanon, PA25,477
Chambersburg, PA20,268
East York, PA8,777


History of 223 Area Code

As an overlay for the 717, the 223 area code was implemented because 717 was running out of available phone numbers. It is one of nine area codes introduced on October 28, 2016, and it was put into service on September 26, 2017. It was the 400th area code to go into service. With the introduction of the 223 area code, the 717 area code relieved the burden of distributing phone numbers in the eastern half of Pennsylvania, ensuring continued access to new numbers without disruption.

How Does a 223 Phone Number Work?

1 OR 001 1 223 Area Code: Get a Local Phone Number for Lancaster, PA  1 OR 001 1

The 223 area code phone number works just like other regular phone numbers in the United States. It requires you to dial your destination phone number with the 223 area code, and the +1 country code can be dialed for international phone numbers. For example, +1 223 1234567899.

How to Get a 223 Phone Number?

To get your desired virtual phone number, follow these general steps:
1. Sign up for a new account by providing the necessary information.
2. choose a plan according to your require
3. choose and purchase a new virtual phone number.
4. Customize your features.
5. Proceed to payment and get your virtual phone number.

What Are the Benefits of a 223 Phone Number?

The benefits of having the 223 area code are listed below.

1. Increased Number accessibility: The massive demand for phone numbers exhausted the 717 area code and relieved the 223 area code was introduced to the area to ensure local business numbers and new residents.

2. Businesses expandation: Businesses can expand or add more lines without changing their phone numbers or switching to a completely different area code.

3. Economic Growth: The addition of the new 223 area code supports the growth and development of the region by accommodating new residents and businesses, helping to grow economic development.

4. Identity Preservation: The importance for businesses and individuals who value the recognition associated with their area code is an overlay that maintains the local identity associated with the 717 area code, as existing numbers don’t change. 

Nearby Area Codes

Here are some nearby area codes that are listed below:-

Cities Nearby code
Lancaster, PA223/717
Baltimore, MD410/443/667
Scranton, PA)272/570
Erie, PA582/814
West Virginia304/681
Allentown, PA484/610/835


The 223 area code serves as a solution to meet the growing demand for phone numbers in the region in major cities like Pennsylvania it covers. By additional number availability without disrupting existing 717 area code numbers, it supports local businesses, accommodates population growth, and preserves the region’s identity. It has ensured that the community can continue to thrive without the inconvenience of an area code split, making it a beneficial addition to the region’s telecommunications infrastructure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is area code 223 in Pennsylvania?

The area code 223 covers Lancaster, York, in Pennsylvania.

What state phone number starts with 223?

Central Pennsylvania starts with the 223 area code.

What is the new area code for Lancaster, PA?

The 223 area code is the new code for Lancaster, PA.

What is the area code for Pennsylvania, USA?

The area codes for Pennsylvania USA are 223, 717, 215, 267, 272, 412, 484, 570, 610, 724, 814, and 878. 

What is the +1 country code number?

The +1 stands for the United States country code.