903 Area Code

903 Area Code: Finding a Local Texas Number

The data and information you need to know about the cities, counties, business and needs of the 903 area code are described briefly.

903 Area Code & Phone Number

The 903 area code represents Northeastern Texas and incorporates several types of suburbs and communities. Telephone numbers under this area code start with 903, which has a significant role in the enterprise, as well as for local inhabitants to establish a reliable relationship.

Background of the 903 Area Code

The area code 903 was assigned on November 4, 1990, making it the 136th area code established after superimposing the214 area code. Also, started in 1990, the 903 area code was one of the two area codes that were in use in the United States. 

The code 430 was implemented in the year 2003 and currently lies as the overlay for the area code 903. The present number of area codes is 28 in the state of Texas. It was developed to reduce the scarcity of the 214 area code since the existing 214 area code was growing short of digits.

Overview of 903

Popular Businesses Healthcare/Hospitals, Banking Organizations, Retail sales and Learning Institutions
Time ZoneCentral time zone
Popular cities
Tyler, Longview, Sherman, Texarkana, and Greenville
Popular counties Smith County, Gregg County, Grayson County, Hunt County, and Bowie County
Total No. of Cities
Total counties 31
Map texas Area Codes: A Complete 2024 Guide by States (USA & Canada) texas
Blue dots on alternating squares

Benefits of Having a 903 Phone Number

Comprehensive Database

Public Link

Employing a 903 number makes it easy for the firm to get a local feel because the community will regard you as a corporation that has total support for local causes.

User-Friendly Interface

Business Display

The presence of a local number for business communication increases the level of professionalism and reliability affecting and changing the clients’ perceptions.

Accurate and Reliable Information

Easy Call Forwarding

With a 903 number, it is possible to configure the call forwarding so that the callers can call at any point in the business; thus local clientele will be able to contact you at their convenience. This is particularly useful for business people with different locations or areas of operation.

  • 469 area code
  • 972 area code
  • 940 area code
  • 214 area code
  • 318 area code
  • 254 area code
  • 457 area code
  • 870 area code
  • 430 area code
  • 327 area code
  • 580 area code
  • 936 area code
  • 945 area code

Explore Popular Area Codes Nearby 903

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Frequently Asked Questions

When we talk to clients about our IT services for their company, a few of the same questions come up.

Who uses the 903 area code?

Sherman, Tyler, Texarkana and most of northeast Texas use 903 as their area code.

What area code is 903 414?

Every 903 414 call originates from a landline in Texas of Howe that Peerless Network of Texas runs.

What is the time zone of the 903 area code?

The 903 area code falls under the Central time zone.

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