310 Area Code

310 Area Code: Getting a Local Los Angeles Number

Let’s get to the points about the 310 area code phone number, cities, counties, and history with some frequently asked questions.

310 Area Code & Phone Number

Covering 23 cities and a central county, the 310 area code number serves widely to build trustworthy relations between locals. The 310 area code number provides service to 10 million people residing and establishing businesses.

Background of the 310 Area Code

The 310 area code was effective from November 2, 1991, when it became the 139th area code to be in use. This was the one introducing three area codes in 1991. Some numbers that used to fall in area code 310 had to transition to area code 562 when the two were split in 1997. 

Area code 424 became operational in 2006 and is currently a code that is overlying 310. It was among the area codes of the twelfth region of California. The current total of area codes in California stands at 38. It was created to offload the pressure from the 213 numbering code since the 213 figures were nearing exhaustion.

Overview of 310

Popular Businesses Technological advances, financial services, sales, producing goods and restaurant and hospitality service
Time ZonePacific time zone
Popular Cities
Los Angeles, Long Beach, Torrance, Inglewood, and Burbank
Popular Counties Los Angeles County
Total No. of Cities
Total Counties 1
Blue dots on alternating squares

Benefits of Having a 310 Phone Number


Simpler Recommendations

Local clients can perhaps recommend you to other people in a particular area if you have a 310 area code local number.


Cloud Security

These services are designed to provide easy, affordable access to applications and resources, without the need

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Increased Recognition

The 310 area code is useful for companies new to the area and even older companies since it is a way of marketing their products and services within the region.


Application Security

Web development refers to the creating, building, and maintaining of websites. It includes aspects such as web design

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The 310 area code phone numbers are also significant to companies, especially new ones, or companies that operate through the Internet because they provide credibility.


Risk Management

Digital marketing called online marketing, is the promotion of brands to the connect with potential customers internet

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Explore Popular Area Codes Nearby 310

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Frequently Asked Questions

When we talk to clients about our IT services for their company, a few of the same questions come up.

Is the 310 area code prestigious?

Yes, the 310 area code is prestigious, as it is the most desired and oldest number that is difficult to acquire.

Where is area code 310?

The 310 area code functions for Los Angeles and its neighbouring communities, including Long Beach, Torrance, Inglewood, and Burbank.

Are there 310 numbers left?

The 310 numbers are available in a limited amount. So, few quantities of numbers are left.

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